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Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 500ml
Brand name: Ringing Cedars of Russia
net weight: 17.5 ounces = 500 ml.

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Number of Votes: 104
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  • 100% natural, Wild harvested, No preservatives, No artificial ingreedients, No GMO.
  • New products: Essential Oils of Siberian Cedar, 100% natural Chewing Gum of Cedar and Larch Resin

Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 500ml

We improved our equipment, now it is closer to original ancient cold pressing technology. The Siberian pine nut oil has more healing power of nature, stronger natural smell and taste of wild harvested Siberian pine nuts.

Ingredients: 100% Natural, Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil. Cold Pressed by Wooden Presses.
Not refined. Not processed. Not deodorized. Does not contain preservatives, chemical colorants or additives.
This oil comes directly from the manufacturer. Enjoy best quality for best price!
Keep Refrigerated.
Made in Siberia, Russia.

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is unique and valuable, 100% natural product for people who wish to keep good health and longevity. Natural products are especially recommended to people who live in large cities and other ecologically unfavorable zones; for people, who work with increased psychological and physical stress, during rehabilitation periods and seasonal illnesses.
Add Siberian Pine Nut Oil salads, blends, porridge, etc.
Take it internally: 1 table spoon before meal, 3 times per day. For children before 12, 1 tea spoon before meal, 3 times per day. 
Counter indications: up to the present date there are no recorded cases of allergic or other negative reactions.


For the first time in eight years, we are offering our customers a unique opportunity to purchase premium quality Siberian Pine Nut Oil, produced by the unique ancient technology of cold pressing, with a discount of up to 40%.
For a limited time only, retail customers receive the discount of up to 40% intended for the large wholesale customers!
In addition, because of numerous requests and remarks, we have developed for you a new, very convenient and reliable packaging; also, a large size package of 250 g and 500 g has been created for the entire family. 
Enjoy the traditionally best quality of our products in their new packaging, under the new trademark, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL!

Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company has been producing pine nut oil and delivering it to North America, Europe and over the world since 2002.  Since 2005, it has been a leader in the production and sale of Siberian Pine Nut Oil.  Dozens of scientific and clinical studies have been conducted with pine nut oil, a large number of articles have been written, and hundreds of positive testimonials have been received, which you can acquaint yourself with on our website.
The unique quality of our products is appreciated at its true value by tens of thousands of customers around the entire world, which is the highest praise to us.

Genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is intended for people who want to use quality and natural food products, which can provide only benefit for your health and the health of your family.

We made 100% natural and 100% pure genuine SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL.

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from the Siberian pine nuts, which is harvested in ecological pure zones of the Russian taiga, far from populated areas.  In the virgin forest of the taiga, no one has ever used pesticides, toxic chemicals, or other fertilizers, agriculture is completely absent here.  Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from organically (not certified) grown pine nuts.

The pine nut harvesters working at the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company collect the pine cones that have, by themselves, fallen to the earth.  It is precisely these cones that contain the completely ripened nut, and only a completely ripened nut possesses medicinal powers.

The harvested cones are kept in storehouses located in the ecologically pure zones of the taiga, keeping temperature conditions at -5˚C to -20˚C.  When transporting the pine nut, we use refrigerated containers, which also have special air filters.  The research of specialists has demonstrated that one of the most important factors for the quality of the Siberian pine nut, and therefore the oil, is the quality of the surrounding air.  Even the odor of smoke from a campfire or stove is absorbed by the nuts very quickly, and has a deleterious influence on the taste and medicinal qualities of the pine nut and the oil.

The cones are shelled (husked) by hand, using wooden boards of a husker (reminiscent of old washboards used for laundry).
Then, the nut is winnowed.  This is done as follows: a large canvas sheet is spread out at a distance of 7 to 10 metres from the pile of nuts mixed with the “petals” of the cones, a wooden shovel is used to ladle out a portion of the nuts, and it is heaved onto the prepared canvas.  All the debris, unripe, decayed, and empty nuts do not make it to the canvas, since they are lighter than the mature nuts.

The mature nut is shelled on special shellers made of wood.

We select by hand only the best kernels of the pine nut, which we will use to obtain genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.
It must be noted that only hand sorting of the pine nut can guarantee the high quality of the pine nut oil.  Even one tiny rotten nut falling into the press will irremediably spoil the flavour and qualities of the pine nut oil.
We place the choice pine nut kernels, in small portions, into unique wooden presses and carry out the cold pressing of the pine nut.  As a result, we obtain extra virgin, cold pressed, first press only genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.
The genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is poured into high-quality glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes, which protect the oil from light.
The ready products are stored in freezers at a temperature from -5˚C to -20˚C, which completely preserves the medicinal and flavour qualities of the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil for a long period of time.
We promote the preservation and increase the population of the Siberian pine.
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company causes no more harm than a gardener in an apple orchard gathering apples from the ground.
As has been noted in previous questions, when gathering the harvest, our employees collect only the cones that have fallen to the ground themselves (fallen fruit).  In other words, we take only that which nature itself gives us.  In this case, there cannot be any harm done.
On the other hand, the development of the pine nut harvest has forced the government to regard the Siberian pine in a new way; now it is not only valuable timber, but much more valuable the pine nuts and the pine nut oil.  The government adopted a law respecting the protection of the Siberian pine in special zones, where the felling of the Siberian pine is prohibited; millions of hectares of the taiga have been set aside, and in these nature protection zones only the collection of pine nuts is permitted.
Moreover, the greater the growth of the commercial harvest of the pine nut, the more attention is paid to this issue by the Russian government, the nature protection zones of the Siberian pine are expanded, and penalties for unlawful cutting are made more severe.

Also, increasingly more of the local population is becoming involved in the harvesting of pine nuts, which means that the welfare of the local inhabitants directly depends on the number of fruit-bearing Siberian pines (a pine begins to bear fruit at 120 to 200 years of age).  For that reason, local inhabitants are coming to the defence of Siberian pine trees; they do not permit the cutting of mature, fruit-bearing trees, and display greater respect and attention for the pine tree.

It must be noted that, like a good gardener, the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company not only takes away, but also gives back to nature: only employees of our company have planted hundreds of Siberian pine seedlings.  All these facts are evidence that the activity of the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company promotes the preservation and increase the population of the Siberian pine.

Goals and Mission Statement.

The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company was founded as a commercial project with the goal of financing the creation of Kin’s Settlements consisting of Kin’s Estates.  A full 15% of the profit goes to financing the settlement The Hope, located in Tula Oblast, Russia.
In addition, the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company has before it the clear goals of disseminating information related to the idea of Kin’s Domains, folk medicine, and a healthy lifestyle.  In relation to this, we sponsor the publication of the monthly newspaper The Earth, and carry out scientific research into issues related to a health way of life, and popular, natural remedies to improve human health.

How we form our prices.

The price for Siberian Pine Nut Oil is the fruit of our many years of work in optimizing the harvest of pine nuts, the production process, and the sale of genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil to the consumer.

We have eliminated all middlemen.
Our employees harvest the pine nuts themselves.
We produce the pine nut oil ourselves.
We ourselves, directly, sell Siberian Pine Nut Oil through our websites throughout the entire world.
We produce a unique Siberian Pine Nut Oil of the highest quality, and avoiding all middlemen, deliver it to you.

Seven reasons to buy the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil:

1.  Price
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company offers prices directly from the producer.  You do not pay middlemen.

2.  Quality
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil company offers products of only the highest quality.
We use ancient technologies, which were applied 100, 200, or 300 years ago.
Pine nut kernels are sorted by hand, which completely eliminates rotten or moldy nut kernels from ending up in the oil.
We offer only fresh, premium quality, 100% natural, extra virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, cold pressed in wooden presses.

3.  Ecological safety
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company uses wild harvested pine nuts gathered only in ecologically pure regions of the taiga, far removed from populated areas.
We do not use genetically modified products, do not use nuts from Siberian pines grafted onto common pines, do not use colourants, flavourings, or other artificial ingredients.

4.  Storage
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company stores pine nut oil only in freezers and refrigerators, which preserves all the wholesome properties of genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.

5.  Safe shopping
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company uses a safe SSL certificate, which completely ensures that your personal and credit card information is safe and secure.  Over the course of eight years, we have not had a single instance of the theft of personal or credit card information.

6.  Insurance
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company buys insurance for its parcels from reliable delivery shipping companies, such as USPS, UPS, Canada Post, and DHL.

7.  Delivery
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company has three warehouses in the USA, Canada, and Germany (Europe), and offers fast and affordable shipping worldwide with dependable shipping companies such as USPS, UPS, Canada Post, and DHL.

Do you produce pine nut oil in capsule form?
We do not produce Siberian Pine Nut Oil in capsules for the following reasons:
1) Additional technological effects on the oil.  The oil is poured into a special machine, whose components consist entirely of metal, which oxidizes the oil, and the pine nut oil substantially loses its quality.
During packaging in gelatin capsules an additional temperature effect occurs, which substantially reduces the quality of the pine nut oil.

2) We care about our customers and our reputation.  We are aware of many instances where unscrupulous producers have packaged expired pine nut oil or diluted pine nut oil in capsules.
The entire point is that when you swallow pine nut oil capsules, you experience neither the taste nor the aroma of the pine nut oil.  In this case, all the producer must do is pack the capsules with a gold-colored oily liquid, no one will notice the substitution.  Even if you bite into the capsule and realize that this is a poor-quality oil or a counterfeit, it will be difficult for you to be refunded your money, since you must prove that the oil in the capsules is not of high quality.  But even if you are refunded your money, no one will refund your wasted time and effort, and it is you who will not obtain the expected therapeutic effect from the pine nut oil.

Purchasers familiar with the problem of counterfeit pine nut oil in capsules regard such offers with suspicion.
We advise you not to take needless risks, and obtain original Siberian Pine Nut Oil from


Of a Clinical Trial of
Siberian Pine Nut Oil
in the comprehensive therapy of digestive,
stomach, and intestinal disorders

A lack of observance of food hygiene (a disruption of the schedule and quality of nutrition) exerts the most immediate and at the same time undesirable influence on the system of the digestive organs, and first and foremost on the functioning of digestion, the stomach, and the duodenum. Ranking first must be such a negative factor as overeating, which, even in the case where it is well tolerated over a long period of time, in the end always provokes stomach upset. In the beginning, these disruptions are primarily functional and curable in the early stages. However, the real threat to health arises when metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus, gout, and others) are added, and a metabolic syndrome develops.

Second, yet another of the reasons for the dysfunction of the organs of the digestive system is the deviation of the actual diet from the recommended balanced standards: insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, products of animal origin, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, poor knowledge in matters of the proper structure of the food allowance, carelessness in eating (eating on the run, while on public transport, primarily "fast food" products), following "trendy" and often "extreme" diets.

Third, together with this in modern conditions an increasingly greater significance is acquired by a group of objective reasons. Among them an essential role is played by the significant increase in the use of refined, high-calorie products (white bread, margarines, and others), which are practically devoid of vitamins and other irreplaceable food substances.

As a result of these tendencies, the food allowance of the modern person, sufficient (and even excessive) to cover expenditures of energy, turns out to be unable to provide for the recommended standards for the consumption of vitamins. This creates conditions for the occurrence of cases of polyhypoavitaminosis, that is, conditions where a deficit of several vitamins gradually occurs. Clinically this may manifest itself in the development of the syndrome of functional dyspepsia. In the structure of disorders of the digestive organs, functional upsets occupy one of the central areas, and are responsible for approximately 25 to 30% of the cases (Frolkis, 1991). They are characterized by a variety of clinical symptoms, lengthy duration, and quite often manifest themselves with diverse painful sensations (Ivashkin, Trukhmanov, 2000). These conditions usually lead to a worsening of patients' quality of life, and the therapeutic measures carried out prove to have little effect. In addition, against this background, the risk of the development of an organic pathology substantially increases (Frolkis, 2000). Modern medicine has in its arsenal various methods of treatment, and a central place among them is occupied by drug therapy. A huge spectrum of pharmaceutical preparations is a sufficient guarantee for effective treatment, however it should be admitted that, in real life, confirmation of this is far from always being found. The lengthy period of treatment with drugs quite often becomes the cause of the development of various complications. However, there exist other principles and methods, which, while a important component of modern medicine, have not been developed as they should be. These are non-medicinal methods of action for the treatment and prevention of illnesses. Together with this, non-medical methods of treatment are an effective means of increasing the protective and adaptive mechanisms, training the adaptational systems, restoring disruptions of the body's functions by acting on metabolic processes, the vegetative nervous and endocrine systems, and the external regulatory centres of the nervous system (Kuimov et al., 2007). With this in mind, wide use may be found for the biologically active additive Siberian Pine Nut Oil, which possesses a high therapeutic activity in inflammations of various origins (Filchenko et al., 1993).

The biologically active additive Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced under THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark is a natural product that is a naturally occurring concentrated source of vitamin E, and also contains a large quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, and others), which are not synthesized in the human body and may enter the body only with food. The composition of Siberian Pine Nut Oil includes a significant quantity of B group vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (vitamin PP), which exhibit high physiological activity.

The biologically active additive Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced under THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark contains phosphatide phosphorus, which is very important for the body. Its biological value is also determined by its high content (more than 20) of vitally important trace elements: potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine, nickel, molybdenum, iron, and others. It also contains up to 5% nitrous substances, of which 90% are amino acids, primarily essential amino acids (up to 70%).

The purpose of this paper was the study of the effectiveness of using the biologically active additive Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced under THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark in the comprehensive treatment of patients with a pathology of the digestive organs and its influence on their quality of life.

The clinical trial was conducted in a random population group in outpatient conditions. In total, 22 persons from 20 to 52 years of age (the average age was 37.2 +/- 2.4 years) were included in the trial. The persons studied belonged to the category of students (5 persons) and employed persons (17 persons). All of the persons observed had a pathology of the digestive organs. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was observed in 8 persons; erosive gastroduodenitis, in 9 persons; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, in 4 persons; and postoperative stomach disease, in 1 person.

The study was conducted in accordance with the "Rules for clinical practice in the Russian Federation," which were approved by Order No. 266 of the Ministry of Health. Each patient observed signed an informed consent form. The patients were observed at the stage of an exacerbation of their disorder and received basic treatment for their primary illness (proton pump inhibitors, cholinolytics, antacids, prokinetics). Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced under THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark was included in the comprehensive treatment for all patients, one teaspoon to be taken 30 minutes before eating three times a day. The course of treatment was 20 days. The oil of Siberian Pine nuts bearing THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark has a certificate of quality and safety, which is confirmed by Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU.AYa79.V05813, issued by the Novosibirsk Centre for Product Certification and Quality Monitoring (Test Report No. 1163 dated 19 March 2007). The oil of Siberian Pine nuts is a thick, transparent liquid, light yellow or golden amber in colour, with a nutty aroma.

For the evaluation of the criteria of the effectiveness of Pine Nut Oil of Ringing Pines of Russia Trademark, a standard questionnaire for the evaluation of the quality of life was used -the Nottingham Health Profile, which evaluates the most significant parameters that describe a person's quality of life: energy level, pain, emotional reactions, sleep, social isolation, and physical abilities. All patients were surveyed prior to beginning taking the preparations and after 20 days.


The results of the trials are presented in the table.

Following the appearance of disease, in persons 20 years of age in the group under study (5 persons), the lowering of the quality of life indicators was minimal. Following the course of treatment with Siberian Pine Nut Oil bearing THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark, a reliable improvement was noted (P<0.05-0.02), as was the full restoration of the evaluated quality of life parameters. There was practically a complete restoration of such parameters such as emotional reactions, energy level, and physical abilities.

Following the appearance of disease in persons in the older age groups (17 persons from 31 to 52 years of age), the lowering of the quality of life indicators was more significant. However, on the completion of the course of treatment with Siberian Pine Nut Oil bearing THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark, a significant and reliable improvement (P<0.001-0.05) was noted in the quality of life indicators.

As a whole, in the entire group of persons studied, the most noticeable improvement was observed in the improvement of emotional reactions and what was especially remarkable, a restoration of sleep was noted (see the Table). In addition, according to the results of the FGS conducted, a reduction of inflammatory elements in the stomach mucosa and the duodenum was noted, as was the healing of ulcers and erosions in the stomach.

Table. Results of the surveyed patients from 20 to 52 years of age








Before treatment
(n = 22)

30.6 +/- 7.6

9.1 +/- 2.6

12.0+/- 3.1

18.1 +/- 4.8

7.9 +/- 3.0

7.4 +/- 1.8

After treatment
(n = 22)

15.6 +/- 6.6*

3.7 +/- 1.3*

2.5 +/- 1.5*

5.7 +/- 2.2*

1.6 +/- 1.1*

3.9 +/- 1.4

Note: An asterisk indicates differences that are statistically reliable in comparison to the initial level (P<0.05)

Thus, the tests conducted by us demonstrated that the biologically active additive Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced under THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark used in a course of treatment has a positive effect in the complex therapy of illnesses of the digestive organs and promotes an increase in the level of the quality of life. Secondary reactions in the course of treatment were not observed. This leads one to recommend the use of the biologically active additive Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced under THE SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL trademark as an effective means for increasing health reserves and for the preventive treatment of disorders of the digestive organs, its use is especially effective in the treatment of erosive ulcerous lesions of the stomach.

Clinical tests conducted by:
A. B. Krivosheev
Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine
Doctor of Medical Sciences


Filchenko, E.I., Nizkodubova, S. V., Karpitskiy, V. I., Petrenko A. G. "Maslo kedrogo orekha v lechenii gastritov, erozivno-yazvennykh porazheniy zheludka i dvenadtsatiperstnoy kishki" [Pine nut oil in the treatment of cases of gastritis, and erosive ulcerous lesions of the stomach and duodenum]. Metodicheskie rekommendatsii [Methodological recommendations]. Tomsk, 1993.
Frolkis, A. V. Funktsionalnye zabolevaniya zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta [Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract]. Leningrad, 1991.
Frolkis, A. V. Sovremennaya farmakoterapiya v gastroenterologii [Modern pharmacotherapy in gastroenterology]. Leningrad, 2000.
Ivashkin, V. T., Trukhmanov, A. S. "Bolezni pishchevoda" [Diseases of the esophagus]. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya, klinika, diagnostika, lechenie [Pathological physiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment]. Moscow, 2000.
Kuimov, A. D., Polyakov, Ya. V., Krivosheev, A. B., et al. Ozdorovitelnoe and lechebnoe primenenie mineralnoy vody Karachinskaya [Health-related and medical application of Karachinskaya mineral water]. Novosibirsk, 2007.

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For Educational purposes only.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Used by permission.
© Copyright assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

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Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 500ml

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Ringing Cedars of Russia
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